John Sollinger - Solly at Rogue Mosaics
Mosaic Instructor & Artist
John D. Sollinger, Ph.D. _________________________________________________________________
Educator | Biologist | Artist
Two Teaching & Research Post-docs, Carleton College, MN 1993-1999
Oregon State University: Ph.D., Genetics 1995
Michigan Technological University: B.S., Forestry 1977
In 2000 the Biology department at Southern Oregon University hired me to teach Developmental and lower division biology and First Year Experience, a seminar that replaces writing and speech required elsewhere. In search of diversion during personal time, I took a six-hour mosaic workshop in 2007. I entered my 13th mosaic in an international mosaic competition, winning Best of Show. Recognizing a long suppressed passion, I abandoned my scholarship (genetic regulation of plant developmental patterns) to pursue my new way of expressing my passion for the natural. If I were good with words, I would not need to make art! And, so, I shifted my scholarly focus to pursuing the creation and dissemination of my art.
I have been awarded other top accolades in juried, international mosaic and mixed-media competitions. Internationally, I have presented and exhibited at mosaic conferences, provided workshops and judged mosaic competitions. In 2013 one of my mosaics joined the contemporary mosaic art collection of the world’s largest mosaic museum (Gaziantep, Turkey). Finally, my works have been and continue be used in advertisements by glass companies and mosaic societies and featured in popular press, trade journals and coffee table books covers.
In the following I provide categorical lists of my activities and NAMES of mosaics involved:
Awards & Honors
OLD GROWTH: Special Recognition in Matters of The Heart, ArtQuench 2014; featured in The Artist’s Magazine, June 2012; Featured in Mosaic Art Today, Schiffer LTD 2012; Honorable Mention in The Artist’s Magazine’s All Media Competition 2011; Honorable Mention in Contemporary Mosaic Art, Ciel Gallery 2010
RADIANCE: featured in Mosaic Review favorites 2019; 3rd place Still Life/Floral in The Artist's Magazine's 28th Annual Art Competition, 2012; Featured in The Artist’s Magazine, December 2012; Featured in Addicted to Glass, New Art Review 2012; Honorable Mention in Artavita's 2nd Contemporary Masters Contest, Painting & 2-D Mixed Media 2012; 4th Place in Light, Space & Time Online Gallery's 3rd Annual Nature Art Exhibition, Mixed Media and Other 2012; Featured on Society of American Mosaic Artists home page 2010 - 2012; Best in Show, Mosaic Art International 2010; Full-page advertisement for Society of Mosaic Artists, Mosaic Art Now Exhibit in Print 2010; Cover of Profitable Glass Quarterly, Winter 2010; Cover of Groutline, Winter 2010
SNOWFELL: featured in Grout, Spring 2019 (BAMM trilogy); Grand Prize Winner in Uroboros’ 2016 Great American Landscapes; Finalist in the Landscape category of The Artist's Magazine 32nd Annual Art Competition 2015; Juro r’s Selection in Blue, Orange County Creatives, Laguna Beach, CA 2015; Special Merit in Seasons for Light, Space & Time 2014; Nominee, Artavita 10th Annual Contest 2014 (top 100); featured in Mosaique Magazine issue 7 2014; Finalist, Landscape/Interior, The Artist's Magazine 30th Annual Art Competition 2013; Special Recognition in Landscapes for Linus Galleries 2013; Honorable Mention in Mixed Media and Collage, The Artist’s Magazine‘s All Media competition 2013; Honorable Mention in The Artist’s Magazine’s All-Media competition 2012; Honorable Mention in Artavita’s 4th All Media competition 2012
TWO TUFTS OF PHOENIX DOWN: Special Recognition, Figurative, Light, Space & Time 2017 ; Special Recognition, A New Beginning, ArtQuest 2014
Book Inclusions
ASTIR: Illuminations, Poems Inspired by Science, Robert Louis Chianses, Toxic Coyote Express 2016
ASTIR, FIREFIGHT, SNOWFELL and TWO TUFTS OF PHOENIX DOWN: Exhibeo, Selected Art Reviews and Interviews Art Exhibeo (1), Jonathan Raddatz 2016
OLD GROWTH: Art Inspired by Science, Imaging the Natural World, a monograph by Robert Chianses in the Proceedings of the Pacific Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science (29) 2, 2012. E- book version 2015
RADIANCE: Cover of Mosaic Art Today, Schiffer LTD 2012
Interviews (American, unless otherwise noted)
Russian Mosaic Review John Sollinger 2019
French regional (SW) newspaper 2019
French video for culture in SW France 2019
British An Interview with Solly: His Inspiration And His ‘Fluid Double Reverse’ Mosaic Technique in Grout, Spring 2019 (BAMM trilogy); along with FIREFIGHT and OF EDEN originally featured in Ian Laurie’s blog, The Face Behind the Mosaic 2019
Quoted in Seeds of Inspiration by Holly Davis in The Artist’s Magazine 2018
French Mosaique Magazine issue 7 2014
Artist Interview Series, Linus Galleries 2014
Masterful Mosaics, Medford Mail Tribune 2014
SOU Assistant Professor Named Crater Lake Artist-in-Residence, Medford Mail Tribune 2013
Working in The Clouds: Crater L a ke ’ s Resident Artist, JPR, Jefferson Exchange
with Geoffrey Riley 2013 (audio)
SOU Professor Takes Prize for Mosaic, Medford Mail Tribune 2010
Artist Residencies
Olive Stack Gallery, Listowel, Ireland 2019
Olive Stack Gallery, Listowel, Ireland 2017
Uroboros Glass, Portland, OR, USA 2016
Crater Lake National Park, OR, USA 2013
Invited Presentations
Plenary, British Association of Modern Mosacists (BAMM), London, UK 2018
Plenary, Mosaic Artists of Australia & New Zealand (MAANZ), Hobart, Australia 2017
Plenary, International Association of Mosaic Artists (AIMC), Spillimbergo, Italy 2016
Plenary, International Gaziantep Mosaic Conference, Gaziantep, Turkey 2015
Plenary, International Contemporary Mosaic Art (CMA) Summit, Ashland, OR, USA 2014
Two Seminars, Society of American Mosaic Artists (SAMA), Nashville, TN, USA 2019
Uroboros Glass, Portland, OR 2016
RavenWorks Framing, Eugene, OR 2016
Oregon Glass Guild, Hillsboro, OR 2011
ECOS presentation, Southern Oregon University (SOU) 2017
International Students, SOU 2016
Juroring/Judging International Mosaic Exhibitions
British Association of Modern Mosaicists (BAMM), London, UK 2018
Olive Stack Fine Art Exhibition, Listowel, Ireland 2018
Contemporary Mosaic Art online competition 2017
Contemporary Mosaic Art Summit Exhibition, SOU, Ashland, OR, USA 2016
Contemporary Mosaic Art Summit Exhibition, Illahe Gallery, Ashland, OR, USA 2014
Teaching Mosaic Workshops & Seminars
Ireland 2020
France 2x at Atelier Marais-Création 2019
United States at SAMA conference 2019
United Kingdom at BAMM conference 2018
Israel 2015 & 2017
Netherlands 2016
Germany 2015
Arizona 2020
Colorado 2019 & 2020
Michigan 2016, 2019 & 2020
Tennessee 2019
Texas 2015
California 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2020
Oregon 2014, 2016 & 2017
SOU at CMA Summit in Ashland, OR, USA 2014
SERVICEBERRY, Olive Stack Fine Art Competition 2018
OF EDEN, City of Ravenna, Italy, biennial Ravenna-Mosaico 2017
OF EDEN, SNOWFELL, FORGET-ME-NOT FOR LOVE ALONE & BROOKSIDE, Delphi Glass, Glass Festival 2016 - present
RADIANCE, Society of American Mosaic Artists home page 2010 – 2012
RADIANCE for SAMA in Mosaic Art Now 2010
Professional Affiliations
British Association of Modern Mosaicists (BAMM) 2018
Contemporary Mosaic Art (CMA and CMA2) 2009 – present
International Association of Contemporary Mosaicists (AIMC) 2013 – present
Member of Board of Auditors 2016 – present
Mosaic Association of Australia and New Zealand (MAANZ) 2018
Society of American Mosaic Artists (SAMA); 2009 – present
Works below are listed by TITLES: Exhibition, sponsor and location (unless online)
Multiple works in Linus Gallery’s International Open Art Call Accepted Artists (
Multiple works in Color of Humanity Art Gallery’s online, international, multi-media show, Botanicals for August 2018;
FORGET-ME-NOT FOR LOVE ALONE in Delphi Glass Festival, Delphi Glass
BROOKSIDE, Mosaics from the World exhibition during the Ravenna-Mosaico 1st International Festival of Contemporary Mosaic, Ravenna, Italy
TWO TUFTS OF PHOENIX DOWN: Figurative, Light, Space & Time (
TWO TUFTS OF PHOENIX DOWN: 10th Annual Au Naturel International Juried Exhibition, Royal Nebeker Gallery, Astoria, OR
SNOWFELL: Uroboros’ Great American Landscapes competition
OLD GROWTH: Uroboros’ Great American Landscapes competition
FIREFIGHT: Nude Attitude, The Peoria Art Guild, Peoria, IL
FORESHADOW: Contemporary Mosaic Art Summit Invitational, Thorndike Gallery, Ashland, OR
MONET’S MAGPIE: International Gaziantep Mosaic Competition and Exhibition, Zuegma, The Museum of Contemporary Mosaic Art Works, Gaziantep, Turkey
OF EDEN: Mosaics from the World exhibition in Ravenna that is part of Mosaico 1st International Festival of Contemporary Mosaic, Ravenna, Italy
SNOWFELL: Blue, Orange County Creatives, Laguna Beach, CA; Water, Water Everywhere, Institute of Mosaic Art, Berkeley, CA
Belle Fiore Winery, Ashland, OR (Solo)
Hannon Library, Ashland, OR (Solo)
FIREFIGHT: The Human Figure, Art Exhibeo
MONET’S MAGPIE: Seasons; Light, Space and Time; Artprize, Grand Rapids, MI
OLD GROWTH: Matters of The Heart, ArtQuench
RADIANCE: Flora, Linus Galleries
SNOWFELL: Seasons; Light, Space & Time
TWO TUFTS OF PHOENIX DOWN: Nude Attitude, The Peoria Art Guild, Peoria, IL; A New Beginning, ArtQuest; Vulnerability vs Strength, Linus Gallery
MONET’S MAGPIE: Transitions, Contemporary Mosaic Artists, Ciel Gallery, Charlotte, NC
OF EDEN: Nature Speaks, Linus Galleries (online); Northwest Mosaic Today, Tacoma Public Library’s Handforth Gallery,Tacoma, WA; Botanicals, Light, Space & Time
OH, CALIFORNIA!: Northwest Mosaic Today, Tacoma Public Library’s Handforth Gallery, Tacoma, WA
OLD GROWTH: Silent Communication, Linus Galleries, Pasadena, CA; Nature Speaks, Linus Galleries
SNOWFELL: Artprize at Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, Grand Rapids, MI; Mosaics of the World section of the Third Ravenna Mosaico - 1st International Festival of Contemporary Mosaic, Ravenna, Italy; Nature Speaks, Linus Galleries Northwest Mosaic Today, Handforth Gallery, Tacoma, WA
ASTIR: Back to the Garden, Ciel Gallery, Charlotte, NC
FORGET-ME-NOT FOR LOVE ALONE: Mosaic Art International. Lexington Center Museum and Gallery, Lexington, KY; Articulate, Ciel Gallery, Charlotte, NC
OF EDEN: Artprize, Women’s City Club, Grand Rapids, MI
ASTIR: Border Crossings, Liberty Arts Gallery, Yreka, CA (regional)
OLD GROWTH: Mosaic Art International, Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, Austin, TX; Elements, Walters Cultural Arts Center, Hillsboro, OR (regional); Contemporary Mosaic Art, Ciel Gallery, Charlotte, NC; Border Crossings, Liberty Arts Gallery, Yreka, CA (regional)
RADIANCE: Consilience of Art and Science, Pence Gallery, UC Davis, CA; Border Crossings, Liberty Arts Gallery, Yreka, CA (regional)
OLD GROWTH: Art x Science Consilience, American Association for the Advancement of Science NW conference, Thorndike Gallery, Ashland, OR (regional)
RADIANCE: Mosaic Art International, Navy Pier’s Museum of Glass, Chicago, IL; Artprize, Grand Rapids Public Museum, Grand Rapids, MI